I’m Just Saying… #19: It’s The Internet

There are some basic principles you must be aware of when becoming socially active online in order to protect your overall well-being, life, and quite possibly your future.

I’m Just Saying… #18: Mind Your Business

To most people, advice is a proposal that is given in order for a person to make an appropriate course of action. Sometimes the advice given is on a voluntary basis, but often times it is solicited. Great American humorist, Josh Billings once stated, “Most people when they come to you for advice, come to have their own opinions strengthened, not corrected.” This is especially the case for people in a committed relationship seeking relationship advice from another person. They never really want to hear the truth about their situation. They only want someone to side with them in the grievances that they may have about their relationship or that person. For the eyes that may witness these words I strongly recommend that you mind your business, but let’s explore the reasons why.

I’m Just Saying… #17: We Do Not “Coordinate”

…it is 2010 and no one past the 8th grade should be still trying to coordinate color patterns and matching outfits to wear in public together.

King Curtis

I’m Just Saying… #16: Some People Are Attracted To Drama

Just like the chick who attempts to preserve her reputation before committing a questionable act by affirming her integrity, I don’t normally do this. Usually, I stay away from gossip stories and celebrities news because those things are irrelevant to me. However, this Chris Chambers story was way too strong and ridiculous to ignore. The lesson contained within it is actually more significant than the story, but lets begin with the story for those completely unaware.

I’m Just Saying… #2: The Dajai Situation

The dating scene or as I like to refer to it, “running the streets” is a mixed bag of excitement, fun, adventure, madness, foolishness, and disappointments. You never know who you are meeting, what you are getting (straight or bi), and how a potential encounter with someone new may turn out. Sometimes you meet people that turn out to be good friends while others are unexpectedly found out to be in a relationship. The latter is what I found out one day about a girl named Dajai.

I’m Just Saying… #15: Keep Your Identity

…sacrificing your entire identity for any relationship is not healthy. If you’re not careful, you may never recover your identity again especially if you had not been in possession of it very long.

I’m Just Saying… #14: Children Are Not An Excuse

…your children ARE NOT a replacement for a MAN. Invest in some testicular fortitude and stop coppin’ out.

I’m Just Saying…#13: Pedicure Flip-Flops

…the DISPOSABLE, TEMPORARY flip-flops you receive after a pedicure were NOT intended for long-term permanent use.

I’m Just Saying… #12: Please Stop

…if you are over 30 and still pursuing a non-existent career in the music business it is time to take the red pill.

I’m Just Saying… #11: The Wig Game

…if a WIG is your choice of hairstyle, PLEASE maintain its APPEARANCE, CLEANLINESS, and CORRECT position with NO undergrowth visible.

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