President Obama at the 2011 White House Correspondents’ Dinner


Did he really have to hit em’ with the Hulk Hogan, WWF ring entrance intro from 86’…


2 Responses to “President Obama at the 2011 White House Correspondents’ Dinner”
  1. Brie says:

    Interestingly enough I had just posted this on my facebook page hoping to generate comments amongst my white friends (and of course, none yet, lol) But this was in response to this whole issue…

    RACISM: Do White People As a Whole Get It?
    I say no and this is not an attempt to point the finger and vilify the white populace. I have quite a few white friends who I care about and value their opinions and more importantly their feelings but in my attempt to be honest I must say that quite a few just do not get it when it comes to racism. Quite frankly an honest discussion regarding race has yet to be had.
    What prompted me to transfer my thoughts to “paper” are the past events of the few weeks regarding the issue of President Obama’s birth certificate and place of birth. Most particularly egregious was the pompous and self-important Donald Trump who was at the helm of this resurgence of interest in the President’s birth certificate. After our President finally delivered the goods once again here is Mr. Trump in full dramatic arrogant flair taking credit for accomplishing what no one else has been able to do, as if that in and of itself is some miraculous feat. (Side note: I still believe part of this hoopla was about ratings for his reality TV show, but I digress.) After patting himself on the back this man now had the audacity to question President Obama’s education! Really? We now want to see transcripts? (Two other side notes: 1.Not much fuss was made about Senator McCain’s birthplace who was born in the Panama Canal Zone and last I checked that was and still is NOT one of our fifty states. 2. No one ever said much about the educational mediocrity of President George W. Bush (son, not father)…heck, he passed, right? Never mind the fact he was a C student, he went to Yale so who cares).
    While watching “This Week with Christiane Amanpour” this morning I noticed how the former Reagan budget director David Stockman just didn’t get it, hence the catalyst for this “rant.” This man actually did not see this entire issue as have the stench of blatant “subtle” racism and instead likened it to theatrics on the political front. Well when has there not been political theatrics? The difference is that this time it was political theatrics of the black face kind, a new kind of minstrel show.
    Another slight, minor though it was but nevertheless very telling was when journalist George Will referred to the President as Mr. Obama. I thought he earned the title of President on January 20, 2009 when he was sworn in as our 44th Commander in Chief, but hey, what do I know, right?
    My point is the same way some black people are quick to play the race card and may sometimes be wrong (remember when our President had his own faux pas regarding the Professor Henry Louis Gates and the Boston police officer incident), some white people need to acknowledge that some issues, albeit subtle, are clearly racial in nature. Some of you white people need to step outside of your race long enough and imagine what it is to be black in this country and experience our day to day struggles in this country of “equality for all.” First step: Read Black Like Me by John Howard Griffin and there is also a 1964 movie by the same title…a white man’s true account of what he experienced in the south disguised as a “black” man just when the civil rights era was taking off. Granted, things were very different then compared to now but as much as things were different then a lot has not changed. For anyone who is remotely interested in trying to understand what black people go through, at least to some degree here is a link for the summary or just Google the title. I hope one day white people as a whole finally get it but there will always be some who will resist stepping outside their comfort zone, but hey, what do I know? I’m just another black person who may be a bit overly sensitive about this issue.

  2. Gene says:

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