Message To Cocaine: I See You Bitch…

First and foremost, I’d like to congratulate you on your continued success in life and on the longevity of your outstanding career. Never in a million years would I have ever thought that you would still be such a success after all these years. When I sit and think about it, you’re just simply amazing. For someone such as you to come from such humble beginnings and establish yourself as a force to be reckoned with in the world is beyond belief. You killin’ em’ girl and I just can’t help but smile whenever I see you in action.

Upgrading to Something Better “Looking” Doesn’t Cross a Man’s Mind

Some men live different realities with different women. This isn’t schizo or bipolar behavior either. It simply boils down to being able to wear different masks with different women.

If Only a Few Americans Would Have the Same Spirit of the Mozambicans…

On September 1, 2010, the government of a small southeastern African country named Mozambique made an announcement to the people. The announcement declared that specific items such as water, electricity, and fuel would be increasing in cost by 25%. Most importantly, bread would receive the highest increase in cost at 30%. According to the Mozambique government, the new hike in food prices would be “irreversible”. Shortly thereafter, all hell broke loose. The residents of Maputo, the capital city of Mozambique, began rioting and looting for three continuous days.

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