Ladies, Please Be Easy

If you like a man and are interested in forming a relationship with him, don’t burn him out.

I’m Just Saying… #18: Mind Your Business

To most people, advice is a proposal that is given in order for a person to make an appropriate course of action. Sometimes the advice given is on a voluntary basis, but often times it is solicited. Great American humorist, Josh Billings once stated, “Most people when they come to you for advice, come to have their own opinions strengthened, not corrected.” This is especially the case for people in a committed relationship seeking relationship advice from another person. They never really want to hear the truth about their situation. They only want someone to side with them in the grievances that they may have about their relationship or that person. For the eyes that may witness these words I strongly recommend that you mind your business, but let’s explore the reasons why.

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