Text Messages You Should Never Answer

We all get them, some more than others. They have the power to make you look at your phone with disgust, contempt, or just flat-out pity. Some are random and sporadic, others are atrociously never-ending, and then there are those that come in as emotional essay/thesis statements that are just as long as a novel. These are text messages. In these modern times where people are more comfortable typing their conversations than actually speaking them, text messaging has become the go to medium for quick, concise communication.

As with everything associated with technology, there are pros and cons. The most significant downside of text messaging is the increasingly bad social habits that people are beginning to develop because of them. Texts have now become the middleman in relationships (romantic and friendly) and in many cases substituted as a viable means of communication for any situation. Text messaging was never intended to be used as a break-up tool for your significant other or drunken emotional expression. Nor was it to be utilized as a shield to support your weak ass, passive aggressive personality. With that said, there are text messages you should never answer based solely on the principle of not allowing someone to perpetuate bad communicating behavior with you. Listed below are a few of the most common texts and why you should never respond to them:

“…..imiss tha way we wuz when we wuz tugetheer….,,,i onlii wanna bi yor friend kuz ikan’t  cee miself away from our lyfes,,,,,”

This text should be ignored and deleted based solely on not wanting to support adult illiteracy. No one over the age of 17yrs old should be abbreviating and/or creating new English words such as “bi” or “lyfes” and unless you are one of these lazy ass people who type messages in the aforementioned manner, it should piss you off whenever someone tries to communicate with you in such a way. Never respond.

“What you doing?”

What’s wrong with asking someone what he or she is doing at the moment? It’s just an innocent text right? There is nothing wrong with this text when it is a sincere gesture by someone who is not aware of your daily schedule. However, when the person who sends you this specific text are fully aware that you are at work from the hours of 9am to 5pm, Monday through Friday, and they send this text damn near every other day at 10am, they don’t deserve a response, never.

“I’m so bored, talk to me”

The person who decided to send you this text should have enough sense not to tell you upfront that you are only a source of entertainment for them for however long you respond to them. Deserves absolutely no response.

“You wanna get dinner and catch a movie, your treat?

This text is one of my favorites. It displays the humongous balls people have nowadays when it comes to social interacting. They initiate a possible desire to hangout with you but in the same breath tell you that you are footing the bill for their sudden benevolence with their time. Never, ever respond.

“I don’t think this is going to work out. I think you’re such a wonderful person and deserve to be happy with someone who would better appreciate you. It’s not you, it’s me…”

 “I wish we could have met each other at different times in our lives. I value you as a friend. I meant everything I’ve ever told you…”

“I know we’re not in an actual relationship but I feel the need to say this because I value your friendship…”

“I don’t deserve you…”

“I think we need some time and space apart…”

It gets no classier than the standard, classic break-up text. You’ve shared moments, time, and body fluids together but the overwhelming cowardice and lack of class in the person who sends you any variations of these texts actually believe that they are being a stand-up person and are letting you down easy. Break-up text messages are points of closure for the person sending the text and not the recipient. You don’t even have to be in an actual relationship to receive a break-up text. The only qualification needed for break-up texts are that you were romantically involved with the sender at one point in time. It’s basically a notice of “I’m Now Pursuing Interests In Other People And Are Hereby Now Done With You And Any Emotions And/Or Feelings You May Have For Me After This Text I Am Not Responsible For.” Under no circumstances are you to ever respond directly or indirectly to a break-up text. Your response gives them the closure they are soliciting. Never, ever, ever reply. As a matter of fact, delete them from your phone altogether so that 3 months from now when they reach out to you again through text your response can sincerely be “Who is this?”

“Why you deleted me off Facebook and/or unfollowed me on Twitter?”

Never answer stupid questions.

“I’m so pissed at you right now!”

“Yoor xo fuhhll of shixt!”

This is the typical passive-aggressive text message. They hate confrontations so texts are the perfect medium for them to practice their abnormal behavior. Most passive-aggresives send the bulk of their text messages drunk. That’s really the only time that they even attempt to speak how they feel without feeling uncomfortable. They can’t really deal with you conversationally face-to-face because confrontation makes them uncomfortable and at the same time trying to gauge your interest in their feelings and opinions. You’re supposed to respond with, “What I do?” and they’re going to begin their Academy Award performance through text. Don’t take the bait. Especially if you’ve just been in their presence 30 minutes prior and they didn’t say a word to you about being upset about anything. Never reply.

“Hey beautiful, when you gonna let me eat that good pussy again?”

These texts fall under the category of “If You Have To Ask” because no attractive woman has to solicit oral sex from a man. Dudes nowadays are just walking around slobbin’ damn near every cooch they come across. Nine times out of ten if she gave it a shot one time and never offered another, the experience wasn’t worth her time. Besides, most women will send you the “Come get this pussy” text themselves if they like you like that. These texts receive a big “IGNORE.”

“Tell your other women you busy tonight. I wanna come over”

Most men hate hip ass chicks. I’m not talking about hip in the sense of being stylish, conscious and aware of the power of their womanhood hip. I’m referring to what I call the “Rihanna hip.” That’s the hipness that makes a man feel as if he’s interchangeable and apart of some rotation the woman has in place. She’s always making it a point that you understand that she understand we’re both single. She uses you at her discretion and only at her discretion. You never have to bother about answering these texts because more than likely you’re middle of the pack or bottom of the totem pole. She’ll move on to the thirst hounds after you. Never reply, unless you’re parched.


This is self-explanatory, isn’t it?

In conclusion, we are living in an age where people are becoming more and more disconnected from each other but in constant contact through technology. Texts are meant to be quick, concise, and to the point means of communication. The crazy and emotionally weak are now armed with tools that if you let them, will drive you up the fuckin’ wall. You don’t have to be one of those people. By refusing to participate in what is quickly becoming normal societal behavior, you can ensure that you keep your sanity intact and your communication skills normal.

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