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Message To Women: Stop Thinking Hoe-like

It is a very sad thing to look at and I’m beginning to see more of it every day. As a woman, it pains me to see another woman willingly sacrifice herself for the false dignity of keeping a man. Some of these women aren’t even sacrificing themselves for great providers. They’re selling out to bottom of the barrel, bum ass dudes. All I can do is sigh and be optimistic that one day we’ll all be free, but I know there will always be those few who will think that their freedom ain’t worth having if they don’t have some piece of a man.

Text Messages You Should Never Answer

We all get them, some more than others. They have the power to make you look at your phone with disgust, contempt, or just flat-out pity. Some are random and sporadic, others are atrociously never-ending, and then there are those that come in as emotional essay/thesis statements that are just as long as a novel. … Continue reading

Communicate or Be Unhappy

Communication is to relationships as water is to life; they are inseparable.

Trayvon Martin and the Criminality of Blackness

Trayvon Martin was not the first and will not be the last young black male in America to meet his end prematurely due to the alleged synchronous nature of criminality and blackness by those who are not black.

The Raw is Back Muthafuckas!

It’s been a long time, we shouldn’t have left you, without some dope words to read through…

Seeing Past Your Own Nose

There is an ever increasing epidemic of men and women being oblivious to their own bullshit. It is very important to live outside of yourself, understand others, and the inner workings of social living. Of course, we are not talking about people who just don’t give a fuck but rather those who don’t understand why the majority of people can not stand being around them. As always, I will break down the stereotypical traits of these individuals to promote self assessment and evaluation.

I’m Just Saying… #19: It’s The Internet

There are some basic principles you must be aware of when becoming socially active online in order to protect your overall well-being, life, and quite possibly your future.

Gives Us Your Cash Bitch!

First know that this is not a parody. This is an actual political ad produced exclusively for the web. It is being called one of the most offensive political videos in U.S. history. The video is aimed at Los Angeles Councilwoman Janice Hahn (D).

Message To Anthony Weiner: You Let Them Kill Your Chutzpah Man

You should have been at least finger poppin’ some of them chicks to lose your job over it Anthony…

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