Message To Anthony Weiner: You Let Them Kill Your Chutzpah Man


Anthony Weiner's junk

When this story of yours first broke and the picture of your “alleged” penis imprint in your underwear paraded in front of my eyes, my initial reaction produced light laughter. Especially being that the news media was reporting that you “allegedly” tweeted this now infamous penis imprint to one of your followers. Being that I have somewhat followed you since your failed 2005 New York City Mayoral bid, I sincerely believed that you would not be that witless to DM photo ops of your junk to some follower on your Twitter account. I solely based this opinion on being that you were, ya’ know, an actual public official with a prominent Democratic profile and all. Some political circles were even considering you to be the Democratic Party’s new “bulldog” in Congress. However, when you started the “I Don’t Think It’s My Penis But…” defense, I saw the blood in the water and knew it was only a matter of time before the feeding frenzy would go full blast. Pictures were released. Transcripts of vulgar text message conversations were dropped to the press. Multiple women claiming they’ve also had the “displeasure” of sexting and tweeting you. Basically, full blown embarrassment ensues. Why three weeks later you would fold under pressure and resign kills me.

First, let’s address what really has happened. You were pressured into resigning because of a “sex scandal” with no actual sexual contact occurring between you and these internet chicks. You were only texting and webcaming yourself to these women of various ages and professions. You weren’t even being a pervert or partaking in any strange fetish type shit. You were doing things typical of married men on the internet sending the usual penis and “look at me in and after the gym” pics. Either you are ignorant of history or you being caught embarrassed you so much that you were shook and didn’t care as long as it didn’t damage your wife’s career. Your recent idiotic incident is a Nickelodeon cartoon compared to what some of your past and present government alumni have done. Better yet, let’s take a stroll down memory lane and see if you can recall any of these names.

For instance, remember Eliot Spitzer the former governor and once Attorney General of New York who can now be seen on CNN hosting his own show. Remember, he was prostitutions blood enemy until he was found to be bangin’ high-end prostitutes for years. It’s even been estimated that he paid up to $80,000 for prostitutes over a period of several years. How about Rep. Mark Souder (R-IN). He was having a sexual relationship with a female staffer in which both made public videos promoting sexual abstinence. Then there’s Senator John Ensign (R-NV). He only resigned his position as Chairman of the Senate Republican Policy Committee after it was found he was fucking his best friend’s wife. He later resigned altogether to stop the investigation. Equally important is Rep. Mark Foley (R-FL) who resigned when he was accused of sending sexually explicit emails to underage male congressional pages. Pedophilia is something you cannot fight so he was promptly replaced with Tim Mahoney.

Now, Rep. Tim Mahoney (D-FL) was an interesting fellow. Once elected, he placed his mistress on his staff and then fired her later saying, “You work at my pleasure.” Yeah, Mahoney was Rick James coldblooded with it. He also later admitted to multiple affairs before and during his tenure in office. Brian J. Doyle, (R) Deputy Press Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security was caught by the sheriff’s department trying to seduce a 14-year-old girl on the Internet who was actually a sheriff’s deputy. He’d later be sentenced to five years in prison, ten years of probation, and had to register as a sex offender. Does any of this ring a bell Anthony or do you need bigger fish? Let’s continue with the big ones then shall we.

Ol’ silver hairs himself, Newt Gingrich (R-GA) had to resign from the House after admitting in 1998 to having had an affair with his intern while he was married to his second wife. You know what the kicker is about Newt though? His affair was going strong at the same time he was leading the impeachment proceedings of Bill Clinton for perjury regarding an affair with his intern Monica Lewinsky. I’m quite sure you remember that circus do you? When President of the United States Bill Clinton went on television irritatingly claiming that, “I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.” You know how that story ended, but my question to you is do you see the overall theme of these situations? If not, the theme is actual sex Anthony. All these people and more with the exception of Foley and now you were having sex with these people.

I can spend the next 24 hours giving you countless examples of situations that were far worse than yours were but it would be a waste of energy. You’ve already resigned. I was actually naïve in thinking that you would do what Bush referred to as “hunker down” and fight for your position and standing. I don’t know if Obama personally coerced you into leaving or the entire Democratic Party’s bitchassness toward you in the aftermath but in my opinion it was a punk mistake to just resign without even fighting it. All you did was use technology to curtail your obviously horny nature with various women you have no commitment. It was simply a matter blown out of proportion by the media. Your job should not have been a victim in all of this. Yeah, you initially lied about it but who wouldn’t have lied. No one in their right mind would have admitted to doing something so stupid. It was a damned if you do and damned if you don’t type of situation.

All in all, I wish you would have at least been finger poppin’ some of these chicks. At least you would have had something legitimate to lose your job. Why you were on Twitter and Facebook DM’ing and inboxing chicks through your actual personal accounts I will never quite grasp. You could have easily setup accounts not related to you to do the things you wanted to do. Maybe you’re too square to pull off having a fake account and relied on getting women on name recognition, I don’t know. There is one thing I can tell you though. Congratulations on being the first ever public official to get exposed on Twitter and having his #TwitterAfterDark participation read and shown to the entire free world.





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